Happy Admin Day!

WIN celebrates all occasions, birthdays, holidays, you name it we celebrate it. Whether it’s flowers and cards or a trip to the mountains, we are a fun group of people. And we are always looking for new brokers. If you want to join us for our next adventure, call Tony. If you are looking for…

Tony and Mike Shanahan attend the Sports Breakfast and help raise funds for the Boy Scouts of America

Actually, Mike Shanahan was the keynote speaker and Tony was in the audience. The Sports Breakfast is the largest fundraiser for the Denver Area Council, serving youth in 10 counties throughout the Denver metro area and more than 43,000 young people and volunteers. The purpose of the Sports Breakfast is to raise funds to support the operations of…

“Commercial real estate development in Colorado supports 45,897 related jobs

and contributes $5.88 billion to the state’s economy according to an annual study published by NAIOP Research Foundation”    How cool is that? Read the entire article here: http://crej.com/news/naiop-u-s-commercial-real-estate-development-supports-6-million-jobs/ If you are looking to buy or sell your commercial property look to Western Investor Network for help.     Any of our highly qualified brokers will be happy…