Western Group of Companies and WINPRO Funds
Statement, Guidelines and Procedures for COVID 19 Pandemic
March 16, 2020
In following the “Coronavirus Guidelines” issued by President Trump and the White House Coronavirus Task Force today, Western Group of Companies and WINPRO Funds will be enacting policies and procedures to better prepare for the COVID 19 Pandemic affecting our country, and the world.
To safeguard the health and welfare of our brokers, tenants, office personnel, vendors and contractors. Western Group of Companies and WINPRO Funds strongly suggest that everyone follow the guidelines issued by the “White House Coronavirus Task Force” and “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”. Links to the guidelines are provided below.
We will remain open for business, but our offices will be closed to the public. We will be conducting business via video conferencing, phone, email and text. If a personal meeting is mandatory, it will need to be scheduled and will be by appointment only. As before, emergencies should be reported immediately using all three of the following methods of contact; phone, email and text.
This will be a temporary change to normal business operations. Western Group of Companies and WINPRO Funds will continue to follow the issued guidelines and will remain on the enacted temporary schedule through March 31, 2020. At that time, and following any updated guidelines issued by the “White House Coronavirus Task Force” and “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention”, we will re-evaluate our policies and procedures dealing with the COVID 19 Pandemic.
We wish everyone the best in this very challenging environment! Keep yourselves healthy and safe as we all await a quick and safe end to the COVID 19 Pandemic.
Western Group of Companies and WINPRO Funds
Recommended Guidelines for America